How to create a container image



Running application.

Container image


Container image

  • File system with application, libraries and OS.
  • part of the "installation package" for the cloud with exactly one application.

Creating an image

How to modify the application to run on the cloud?

  • Separation of application, data, network and configuration.
  • We write down the installation procedure.

Application dependency analysis

Each application has its dependencies on lower layers:

  • at the library,
  • on OS,
  • on the processor.

Changing HW, LIB or OS requires changing the application.

The container image consists of layers

  • Layers are immutable.
  • Layers can be shared between images.
  • A new entry means a new layer.
  • Layering can be bypassed using mapping.

Example for layers:

  1. Basic Ubuntu 22.2 LTS
  2. Installing NGINX
  3. Changing the work directory
  4. Setting the command to run

Example Dockerfile

A Dockerfile is a sequence of instructions how to build an image.

FROM dockerfile/ubuntu
add-apt-repository -y ppa:nginx/stable && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y nginx && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
echo "\ndaemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf && \
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/nginx
WORKDIR /etc/nginx
CMD ["nginx"] # Define default command.


Image name

Consists of:

  • registry name
  • name of the image
  • tag

Compilation of the image

docker build . -t

                       registry       image  tag

Image sharing

Dockerhub central repository or custom registry

  • Database of layers
  • Image database
  • Tag database

Possible problems when creating an image

  • Dependency on Docker Hub.
  • Frequent use of unverified images.
  • docker daemon running as 'root' and other security issues.

Starting the container

docker run nginx

on the background

Interactive launch

docker run -it --rm nginx

with console

    | Registry |
        | Pull
    | Image |
        | Run
   | Container |

The container runs in a virtual environment

It sees virtual devices

  • Processor
  • Network
  • File system

Virtual network

The container sees "its" network.

Starting with port mapping

docker run -it --rm -p 8000:80 nginx
                         ^ ^
                         | |
                    host    container

Basic network types in Docker

  • Host - the container directly uses the host stack
  • Bridge - virtual network within the host
  • Overlay - virtual network between multiple hosts
  • None - no network access

DNS in Docker

  • The name of the container is its DNS name
  • Therefore, there can be exactly one instance of a container with the same name

Virtual file system

  • The container sees its own file system which consists of layers.
  • Layering is implemented using a special file system.
  • OverlayFS

Starting with network and volume mapping

docker run -p 80:80 -v /var/www:/var/www nginx

Mapping between real and virtual directory.

Layers of the virtual file system

    | Operating system |
        | build
   | Application |-----------+----------------+
   +-------------+           |                |
        | OverlayFS          | Config         | Volume
+-----------------+ +---------------+ +--------------------+
| Temporary files | | Configuration | | Application status |
+-----------------+ +---------------+ +--------------------+

Separation of data from the application

  • The application has no state.
  • Data can be stored anywhere.

Working with file systems in Docker

  • The file system is virtual
  • The file system always returns to its original state after a reboot
  • container mounts virtual disk space at block level or FS level

What is container status?

a part of the file system that changes and that is essential even after a restart, e.g. database

Directory mapping

We can mount an existing local folder into a new container

Connecting the current directory:

docker run -it --rm -v .:/home/user bash

Docker named volume

  • Docker can partially "manage" disk space.
  • A special folder under Docker control.
docker volume create myvolume
docker run -it --rm -v myvolume:/myvolume bash

Conclusion - Docker...

  • is a virtualization layer between kernel and application.
  • allows you to easily run the application in the cloud.
  • simplifies installation.
  • There are more compatible systems for co-inerization: podman, crio
  • Management of multiple Docker containers - Kubernetes, Docker Swarm/Compose.