Ing. Daniel Hládek PhD.
Natural language is highly ambiguous
I'm sitting at school right now. I am not familiar with civil law.
That car costs 10,000 euros. The car is standing on the side of the road.
I went to Bratislava. I went to Blava.
Indeterminate order of words in a sentence:
Today is a nice day. It's a nice day today. The day is nice today.
Neologisms and slang terms:
Google it and then post it on fb.
Emotions and social conventions:
Sir! You did a great job!
See the lecture.
Computer language is unambiguous We need methods for working with uncertainty
There is a growing need to process large amounts of human-generated text or spoken speech
A combination of several techniques from the field of:
Natural language processing helps in common activities by acquiring knowledge
data => information => knowledge
text => features => findings
(can be converted into money).
Typical NLP tasks
Your every day Google, Facebook, Apple
Some Google NLP services:
Some Facebook NLP Services:
Some Apple NLP Service
Classification of contexts
c => S
Process of identification of atomic units of meaning:
It helps us in classification if we know which part of the context is important for classification.
Such a binary context function that is true only if the given flag occurs in the context. A suitable set of symptom functions helps us to solve the problem.
Symbol => unit vector
today => 0000100001
Feature extraction, classification
symbol => feature vector => class
Computationally demanding
sequence => another sequence
symbols => signs => meaning vector
model and meaning vector => output symbols
Deep neural networks
ation and log processing
Jurafsky, Martin: Natural Language Processing Christopher Manning: Natural Language Processing, Stanford University Online Video Lectures