
Azure storage

12th Apr 2024

You will learn:

  • Create and use a static persistent volume in AKS
  • Create and use a dynamic persistent volume in AKS

Static storage allocation using Azure File

Created according to the tutorial on Azure Docs.

An Azure File persistent volume is a directory to which we attach using the S...

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You will learn

  • Create a permanent volume.
  • Create an application that can keep its state in the volume.
  • use StatefulSet,PersistentVolumeClaim, PersistentVolume objects.

Permanent volumes and data of Kubernetes

In the world of Kubernetes, we have to reckon with the fact that the co...

View all of Stateful applications, virtual disks in Kubernetes

Azure Kubernetes Service

11th Apr 2024

You will learn:

  • creation of AKS Cluster
  • connection of kubectl and AKS

You must have the latest version of Azure client az and kubernetes clientkubectl installed. This is how to install the latest version and to the Ubuntu environment (also on WSL2) with a single command.

Log in...

View all of Azure Kubernetes Service

You will learn:

  • create and publish the NGINX web server.
  • use namespaces.
  • create and modify Kubernetes Service andDeployment objects using configuration files.

This is just an example. In a real deployment, you usually do not need to use your own Web server to publish the HTTP servi...

View all of Kubernetes configuration files

You will learn:

  • Communicate with the cluster.
  • Create and cancel a simple application.
  • Check cluster status and application status.
  • Publish application port using.

Create a work environment

If you have Docker Desktop, installation is easy. If you have VirtualBox, use Minikube inst...

View all of First steps with the Kubernetes system

You will learn:

  • Create a simple Kubernetes cluster from a single node using Docker Desktop
  • Use this procedure if you have WSL2 and Docker Desktop installed. New Windows 10 required

Installing Kubernetes

The Docker Desktop package also includes a single-node Kubernetes cluster. If you hav...

View all of Installing Kubernetes using Docker Desktop

Disk space usage in Appservice

  1. Create an instance of the web application running using App Service. Use the Python application from the previous exercise.
  2. Create an instance of Azure Storage Accounts.
  3. Create a new "File Share" using Storage Accounts. The result will be a folder that you can...

View all of Disk space for App Service

Azure Intro

12th Mar 2024

You will learn:

  • Login
  • Work with Azure Portal
  • Working with Azure CLI
  • Deploying a Python Flask application without a container

Access "Azure Dev Tools for Teaching"

To create an account, you must use the Azure for Students page..

Tap the green "Start Free" button.

Then on "Sign...

View all of Azure Intro

You will learn:

  • Use your own container and image registry to deploy the application to the public cloud.
  • Deploy the application using Azure Container Instances.

Building the container image

Let's take a simple application from the previous exercise:

from datetime import date
from flask...

View all of Azure Container Instances

You will learn:

  • Store application state using volumes.
  • Create virtual networks.
  • Map ports.
  • Configure the application using environment variables.

Database in Docker system

In this guide, we will show how the Docker system can be used to run the database system. The goal of the tutori...

View all of Week 3: Network and volumes in Docker containers

You will learn:

  • Create your own image using docker build
  • Specify the execution order
  • Specify the system to configure

Create a simple web application using the Python scripting language and the Flask framework. We define several functions in the application that can process HTTP reques...

View all of Week 4: Creating your own container images

You will learn:

  • What is the image, what is the container and what is the difference between them.
  • Find images on Docker Hub.
  • Launch the container using the docker run.

You'll find that with Docker, you can run different types of applications without the hassle of installing them. You...

View all of Week 2: Launching the container

The goal:

  • preparation of a basic set of tools for working with containers based on Virtual Box, Docker Toolbox and GIT Bash command line
  • Use this procedure if you have Windows, but for some reason you can't install Docker Desktop.

You need:

  • A computer running Windows 7 or 10
  • Activate...

View all of Installing Docker Toolbox

This procedure applies to Linux systems

If you already use Linux, your life will be a little easier. Everything you need is already on your system, or you can install it with a few commands. You won't even need a GIT Bash or Docker Machine.

On Ubuntu you can use this tutorial.

In short:


View all of Installing Docker on Linux


  • preparation of a basic set of tools for working with containers for the Windows system based on WSL2 and Docker Desktop.
  • use this procedure only if you have a current Windows 10 or newer operating system.

You need:

  • Windows 10, version 2004 or higher. The build number must be 19041+...

View all of Week 1: Installing Docker Desktop
