Task 2 - Kubernetes

3rd Apr 2024

Create and present a web application deployment to Kubernetes. The web application should work. You can use and edit entry no. 1. The assignment passes the originality check.

The solution should include:

  • at least one function object of type Namespace. All other created objects must belong to this namespace.
  • at least one function object of type Deployment.
  • at least one function object of type StatefulSet. This object also requires the PersistentVolume andPersistentVolumeClaim objects.
  • at least one function object of type Service.

The entry must contain at least the following files:

  • bash script for start called start-app.sh. In the start-app.sh script, type the commands forkubectl to create all Kubernetes objects. The script assumes a configured and functional kubectl command.
  • bash script for the end called stop-app.sh. In the stop-app.sh script, type commands to drop the created Kubernetes objects. '
  • deployment.yaml: configuration file for an object of typeDeployment.
  • service.yaml: configuration file for object typeService
  • prepare-app.sh: script for preparing the application, compiling images and creating permanent volumes.
  • statefulset.yaml: configuration file forStatefulSet, PersistentVolumeClaim andPersistentVolume objects.
  • other necessary files, e.g. Dockerfile, sql scripts, etc.
  • Documentation file README.md.

Enter in the documentation file:

  • A description of what your application does.
  • List of containers used and a brief description thereof.
  • List of Kubernetes objects and their brief description.
  • Description of virtual networks and named volumes used by the application.
  • A description of the container configuration you performed.
  • Instructions on how to prepare, run, pause and delete the application.
  • Instructions on how to view the application on the web.


Upload the application files to the zkt24 repository in thez2 directory.


The assignment will be evaluated personally. I will enter the verbal evaluation into the Traktor system. Be prepared to answer questions about the content of the uploaded files.

In the evaluation, I will focus on the following areas:

  • Usability: Are the supplied scripts executable without errors?
  • Completeness: Do the uploaded files meet the conditions specified in the assignment?
  • Functionality: Does the web application work without problems?
  • Documentation: Is the documentation complete and true?
  • Editing: Is the documentation easy to read? Are the scripts clear?
  • Originality: Your personal input should be clear in the uploaded files. If you are inspired by an existing solution, state the source.

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Task 2 - Kubernetes